Daily, Job 31 Projects, Projects

The Day to Day of the Job 31 Project

Even though it has been almost two weeks since we have had an actual work day for the Job 31 Project that does not mean that things are at a standstill. There is much activity on a daily basis. Since the last work day, we have revamped the boys’ pattern to make it easier to read, converted the measurements of the new children into the pattern sizes, traced 2 copies of the girls’ pattern in 15 different sizes (per their measurements), worked on scheduling a couple more work days and squeezed in a little more sewing where there is time.
Please continue to pray for this ministry. There is something going on everyday. Pray for the Sangs as they are there in Kenya working with the children every day. Pray that the Lord would give them wisdom. Pray for the children that they will see their need for Christ and receive Him as their personal Lord and Savior. That is what this is all about!
Please continue to pray for the needs of this ministry. We still need the funds for the shirts, sweaters, shoes and socks. This is far beyond anything that I can provide for this project, it must come from the Lord. Please also continue to pray for healing for my wrist. It is greatly affecting my ability to work on certain aspects of this project.
I would like to include either a wordless bracelet or bookmark with each child’s uniform. If anyone knows where we can get something like this in bulk for a reasonable price, please let me know!
If you have any questions about this ministry opportunity please contact me at gbcmissions127@yahoo.com or by phone at 406-661-9366.