Daily, Job 31 Projects

Ministry Update

Forbid Them Not
Independent Baptist Ministries
Ministry Update
September 27, 2010

The Job 31 Project
Praise the Lord the bulk of the sewing is DONE! God is so good. 165 uniforms bottoms are nearly ready to go to Kenya! I am so grateful to the Lord for His faithfulness and protection throughout this project and for all the wonderful people he has brought along to participate. Thank you to the ladies of:

Grace Baptist Church, Billings, MT
Fairview Baptist Church, Great Falls, MT
Lighthouse Baptist Church, Lewistown, MT
Galilee Baptist Church, Stevensville, MT

The Lord is doing some interesting things. Seventy-two children in Kenya are praying that the Lord will open the door for me to join them there. This has been a desire of my heart since I first began working on this project with the Sangs. It has also been my desire to take a nurse with me, because of the needs that the children have. The questions have been: “How?”, “When?”, and “Where am I going to find a nurse?” Well, the first two are still not answered in full, but you may imagine my surprise when I received an unexpected email from the husband of a nurse who may be interested in going! Nothing is set yet so if you are interested in getting involved or know someone who might be, please get in touch with me.
I would greatly appreciate your prayer in this matter. I have done some researching and the tickets are quite expensive. I have not found out yet what shots, or visa costs would be involved. I have never been involved in any sort of medical missions, so knowing how to acquire even the most basic medical supplies is a great unknown to me. But I believe the Lord is able. There are other great needs on this particular field. In just the five months that I have been in touch with the Sangs, the Lord has brought them 32 new children, nearly double what they had when I first made contact with them. They have no facilities in which to teach these children about the Lord. They meet under a tree and in their home. Their primary goal is to preach the gospel to these children, the people of their church and those living around them. Please pray with me about this trip. If you would like to get involved in any way, please feel free to contact me at gbcmissions127@yahoo.com or via the contact information at the bottom of this letter.
Another huge praise comes from Central Asia! You may remember a few months ago I mentioned that the one of the missionary couples were led of the Lord to give the money they had saved for buying a house closer to the work, to help finish the construction of the new girls’ dorm. They were obedient to this and the Lord has worked mightily on their behalf. This month they are moving into a house right across the street from the orphanage! The Lord has provided half of the money for the purchase of the house. Please pray that He would supply the remainder by February when they are to pay it off. Please also continue to pray for the children being reached by this ministry, they now have 30 children including an infant!  Please continue to pray for their safety. The elections for the new parliament will be coming up next month. (I just received an update with pictures of the new property! It will be such a huge blessing to the ministry. It even has a place for the cows!)
The needs are great. Even as it has seemed over the last two months that the door to deputation has been repeatedly closed, the doors on the field are opening. I have recently been in touch with two missionaries that will be starting orphanages in South America. We are praying about how the Lord might have me to assist them. Please be praying that He will raise up the support that is needed for the work. I cannot sacrifice what I do not have. Pray that the Lord will give clear direction in all of the many decisions that need to be made in the near future. Please also continue to pray for the recovery of the data that was on my failed hard drive. It has now been nearly 2 months since the crash and just slightly less since I sent the drive off to have the date recovered.
Hudson Taylor said, “Depend upon it, God’s work, done in God’s way, will never lack God’s supply.” We serve the same God. He is able to provide!
May the Lord bless you richly as you serve Him!
“Forbid Them Not” is a ministry of Missionary Rachel Miller and Grace Baptist Church, 3616 Broadwater Ave. Billings, MT 59102 / 406-208-7332