
Kenya 2012 Trip Update 2

God is doing some exciting things!
Before I get to the trip update I must share some exciting news! Over the course of the last year I have asked for prayer for an opportunity to minister among the children of prisoners here in our area. Shortly after we started to pursue this last year the Chaplain at the prison resigned and it seemed like we might not be able to pursue things any further. But we kept praying and God is answering! Yesterday we had an opportunity to fill in for an extra service at the prison and the new Chaplain came in during the service. We have never had a Chaplain come into a Sunday Service. I took the opportunity to talk to him after the service and we set up a meeting for today. With everything else going on right now, it was a little overwhelming to think of taking on something new, let alone trying to find time during the remainder of Sunday and Monday morning to put together a presentation. But God took care of everything. We spoke briefly and then went out and met some of the children with whom we could possibly be working. I was not expecting that! It was a tremendous blessing. Please be praying that we will have wisdom to know how to begin especially with everything else going on right now. One of the areas that the Chaplain asked me to pray about is a very huge undertaking. It would change a lot and I do mean a LOT. Please be praying about this area of ministry.
Kenya Trip  Update: When I finished up at the prison today I found a message on my phone from my teammate saying that they had been granted MORE time off of work than requested! God is so good! Thank you for praying.
Please be praying regarding the provision for this trip. The ticket prices have gone up nearly 1.5 times since we started planning the trip. We now have more concrete dates to work with, but we will need to work quickly. I’m still waiting to hear back from the travel agent for sure, and also we have one other option of someone who may be able to find us better rates, but at this point it looks like we will need at least $1000 – $1500 by the end of the week. (Tickets are running around $2900 per person) Beyond this we still have other trip expenses to pull together. Please be praying that the Lord will stir the hearts of His people to provide for this trip. We are personally putting everything we possibly can into this trip, but only the Lord can bring this to pass.
I have been asking for people to join us in prayer at each meal. If you would like to print off a prayer reminder you can find them at: http://forbidthemnot.webs.com/mealtimeprayerreminder.htm
Thank you for praying!