
Back From Kenya

Our Ever-present Onlookers

The last two months have been a whirlwind of activity, but it has been exciting to see what God has had in store! I want to apologize for not being able to send out any updates while in Kenya. We had no internet access the entire time we were in Kenya and by the time we got to Uganda I was so worn out it took me two days to come up with the 140 characters needed for one tweet! So, here goes.

We had a wonderful time. The Lord, once again, opened up even more opportunities than we had anticipated to share his word, starting with an unexpected Sunday School lesson our first morning in country with the children from the Bright Morning Star children’s home and the surrounding area of Nairobi.

The Lord showed His protective, providing hand as we found almost immediately that the bank hadn’t taken care of everything before our departure, and my card was not set up for ATM withdraw. God provided and the card that Laura’s bank told her would not work, DID! Praising Him for His care even in the “little” things. The Lord also gave us opportunity to give Him glory as we returned and were able share with the lady at the bank that the Lord had taken care of everything.

Building on Promises

We were able to have 2 weeks of VBS-type classes and crafts with the children from the Lifeway Christian Academy. We divided the 184 children into two groups by age. The first week we discussed the importance of building our lives on Jesus Christ and the Word of God.  The series was based on Matthew 7:24-27 and the wise man and the foolish man. We also talked about Christ as our cornerstone and the importance of building with gold, silver and precious stones. The second week, we went through the colors of the wordless book, one color each day. This was especially interesting as we approached white – “He washed me white as snow”. They don’t have snow in Kenya! I was so grateful that I had a picture of snow on my cell phone! For the most part, the children did very well in the classes and with their crafts. They were attentive and participated well.  They especially did well with their memory verses.


We had 12 ladies in our primary sewing class and Bible study and the 7 teachers from the academy in a beginner’s class. The ladies greatly enjoyed learning to make the bags. They often stayed until well after dark, even though there was no electricity and, therefore, no lights in the sewing room. The Bible studies went very well. It was such a blessing to see them interacting, taking notes and making personal applications from the lessons. God is so good!

Sunday School

We also had the opportunity to teach Sunday School at a new preaching point not far from the Sang’s home and the academy. This was an extra special blessing. It was not something we had planned on, but it was a great joy to prepare the lessons and share them with about 75 children each week.

At Lina’s Parent’s Home

We visited the young, disabled woman who has been allowing the Sangs to use her home as the primary building for the school. She is one of the most joyful women I have ever met. We met her on a Saturday afternoon and her mother passed away on the following Monday. Please be praying for this family and that the Lord would provided the remaining $8000 for the purchase of property and building a house so that Lina can return to a home of her own.

Children from the Refugee Camp – Uganda.

Our time in Uganda was very short, but it was very blessed. We were able to get caught up with BIMI missionaries James and Anna Huckabee. Anna and I have known each other since we were about 9 years old. We figured out that this was the first time we have spent this much time together in 7 years! It was such a blessing to be able to be in their home and see what the Lord is doing through their ministry. We were able to visit two of the four churches they are working with on a nearby refugee camp where about 60,000 people are living. It was good to see these works and their needs and to see the boldness with which James has been addressing some of the major issues with which these families are dealing.

Anna Huckabee and I – Not the best picture of either of us, but we were sorely sleep deprived by this point! 🙂

The Lord gave an extra special blessing in London. It was the suggestion of a friend of my teammate, Laura, that we stretch our layover there into a couple of days instead of just over night. The Lord provided a wonderful couple, Val and Phil Beckwith, as our hosts. They were a great blessing in opening their home and taking us all around London and into Kent. The Lord also opened up two little windows to catch up with missionary friends from Russia days as well as a Russian friend that I had not seen for 14 years.

Laura Harding and I in London.

I am very grateful for Fargo Baptist Church providing a place where I could stay on my way in and out of the airport. There is no way I could have made the flight out or survived the drive home without a place to stop for the night. God is so good to give His beloved sleep just when they need it.

The drive home was long and hot, but, there again, I am so grateful. The forecast for that day was 102°, but I don’t think it got above 97-98°. It was still plenty hot without AC, but I am so grateful for the few clouds that gave a little shade throughout most of the morning.

Sewing by Flashlight

The Lord did some wonderful things while we were in Kenya, Uganda and the UK. I wish I could share them all with you. If you would be interested in having me share this ministry with your church, please feel free to contact me either through this email or at 406-208-7332. Please take the time to look up the update video (Relevant Results) either on YouTube or on the FTN website. I hope that it will be a blessing!
Thank you to each one who helped with VBS and Sewing Kits, financial gifts and especially prayer to help make this trip possible. God used your sacrifice to help us share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

“I will praise Thee forever, because thou hast done it: and I will wait on Thy name;
for it is good before Thy saints.” Psalm 52:9

Trip Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-P_l9FRxWiM

Tea Blossoms

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