
Decision Day

Yesterday was decision day. It was the make or break moment for the trip to Kenya, one of many actually. As I’ve mentioned before, this trip is very unexpected. There were no plans or funds set aside for it when the need arose. Originally the plan had been to try to be in Kenya by mid-May. Then we learned that the Sang’s field director would be there earlier in the month and so we bumped the dates up by two weeks, trusting that if this particular path was the Lord’s will He would provide and allow things to come together.

Proverbs 16:9 says, “A man’s heart deviseth his way, but the Lord directeth his steps.” This is always my heart’s desire, that I would faithfully allow God to direct my steps. So, as I have been preparing and trusting, I have also been praying and seeking the Lord’s direction. The Lord has given some very powerful direction through His Word over the last week so that when we came to the decision point yesterday not only was the answer very clear but it was also a decision that could be made with a peaceful heart.

All this to say, we have decided to go back to the original dates. Things have not come together in such a way that I could possibly be ready to leave a week from tomorrow. My travel agent is out of the office for a few days, but as soon as possible next week we will begin looking into new options for later in the month of the May.

Please continue to pray with us about this trip and all that needs to take place over the next few weeks. Is there a chance that this trip may not come to pass? Yes. A very real chance. And if that is the case we will work to find ways around the roadblocks that make communications so incredibly difficult at this stage. It will probably take us much longer to get the sponsorship program up and running, but we will diligently work on a solution. The most important thing is to be exactly where the Lord wants each of us. The last couple of weeks have been very profitable in the growth and further defining of this ministry. I am excited to see what the Lord has in store for the future. God has a plan and as long as we are walking in it, whether we can see the next step or not, there is peace.
Thank you for your prayer!!!

FTN website: www.forbidthemnot.com