
Our Family Needs Your Prayer

I had intended to write an update this week, but this is not what I intended to write. That letter will have to wait. Some of you are already aware of what is going on, and I want to thank you so much for your love and support.

Yesterday morning my Dad, BIMI missionary Richard Miller and Pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Billings, Montana, went to the ER for recurring pain that had grown serious during the night. By early afternoon they had him in emergency bypass surgery. The surgery lasted about 6 hours. They ended up doing 6 bypasses.

They told us this morning that he was pretty much where they expected him to be. They had just taken the breathing tube out when we arrived, but he struggled with his breathing all day long. Finally, this evening they put the tube back in and have sedated him so that he is resting more easily. He has a lot of fluid on his lungs, a problem which they are working on very diligently.

Mom is staying with him tonight. I know many of you won’t see this until morning, but if you see it tonight please pray that she will be able to get rest there. I know she is very tired.

We are so grateful for so many things. God has given us wonderful hospital staff. He has worked out so many details that we never even knew existed or would need to be worked out yesterday morning when this all began. My sister and her family were able to come from Bozeman, Montana — so we are all together.

Please pray for my Dad, for the doctors and other staff, for our church, and for our family as a whole. We had an opportunity to pray with/for the pulmonologist before he put the breathing tube back in this evening. He had tears in his eyes when we finished. Please pray that we will have further opportunity to share Christ with those around us!

This morning, my quiet time was in I Kings 17. I didn’t even get through the first couple of verses before an amazing peace came over me. I knew that just as God took care of Elijah and the widow and her son during that famine, His care for us was already in place. He already had the birds by the brook. He is so faithful to strengthen us!

Thank you so much for praying! I will do my best to keep you updated.