Daily, Life Without Dad

Changes and Waiting

The last six weeks have been full of change and questions. Each day, I awake with my heart already crying out to the Lord for His direction and for wisdom to know His plan for the future. At times, it seems these days are bringing to a close a journey—a passion and calling—that has been the focus of every waking moment for the past twenty years. It has felt in some moments as if I have faced another death. At other times, I see some small hope that maybe, just maybe, this path has not come to an abrupt end but merely disappeared “into the trees” for a time.

In April, we found out about a sudden and drastic financial change. Due to the amount of time invested in helping the church over the last year, I had already lost nearly all of my own income and was looking for work to tide me over until I could get both my editing service and FTN back on their feet. This new development, however, increases that need by more than $1,000/month.

As you can imagine, the hours required to make up these losses will greatly limit the amount of time I am able to put into direct, daily ministry for the near future. Only the Lord knows the ultimate outcome of this situation, and we must continue to seek Him in every step. While much that I have done in the past may be limited, I hope to be able to continue a few things, like the Green Bean Project and the clothing exchange. The rest, including the local ministry to single moms, is in God’s hands. I believe that work is very needful in Billings, and I believe the Lord was beginning to open doors and give glimpses of what that ministry’s potential really could be, but for now, though it rips at my heart, it must wait.

Please pray with me for God’s wisdom, for provision, and for clear direction. I am so grateful for the last twenty years. God has given me the great joy of serving Him in ways and places that I never would have imagined. I have no regrets, and so much for which to praise Him. What amazing things we have seen Him do! My heart has not changed, if anything my burden for the fatherless, the widow, the stranger, and the poor and needy has increased. Over the last year, I have walked in their shoes in a way I had never walked before. It is my prayer that through all of this, God will open doors that never would have opened before. I know that He has a plan. It may not look like anything I ever imagined, in fact—it might be better.

I hope you will join me here as I wait on the Lord and continue to share what He has been teaching me about His heart for the fatherless. (Blogs may be scarce for a while, but I do have a plan for down the road. 🙂 )

Thank you for your prayer, for your support, and for your involvement. I will continue to seek to find ways to be relevant and to show and share the love of Christ both to the fatherless and to the others God brings along my path. I pray that you will do the same.

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