Green Bean Project, Updates

2017 Green Bean Project Report

Green Beans in Basket text

Year in Review

It’s that time of year when we step back and look at all God has done while, at the same time, looking forward to what He is about to do. Last year, was a busy year at Forbid Them Not, starting in March with the Forum on Fatherlessness. We are so grateful to all who participated. What a special day!

Over the summer months, we held the Growing Together campaign. The intent of the campaign was to spread the word about both the fatherless and FTN, to encourage others to grow in their outreach to the fatherless, and to grow our online community as we came closer to the Green Bean Project. We saw several people glean from this time. The campaign also resulted in the development of helpful new materials on reaching the fatherless. We hope to compile these materials into a booklet this year.

In the fall, a friend of the ministry suggested working together to provide backpacks and school supplies for fatherless children in our area. Thanks to her initiative, supplies donated through last year’s Green Bean Project, and supplies and gifts from individuals, we were able to provide backpacks for 10 children in Yellowstone and Carbon Counties. Each backpack contained supplies per the lists from the children’s schools as well as Bibles and Bible-based coloring books. What a blessing to meet these special needs!

As Christmas rolled around, Fellowship Baptist Church in Cheyenne, Wyoming, contacted us about providing Christmas gifts for the children. Through their gifts and the gifts of individuals from several churches in the Billings area, we were able to provide Christmas bags for 11 children. We are so grateful to all who participated in this! It was a huge blessing both to the children and their moms!

Throughout the year, the Lord has allowed us to assist individual fatherless families as well. This includes a family from my own church who took in a homeless teen. FTN was able to help with groceries while they sought a safe, permanent place for this girl.

We have seen God do amazing things in 2017 and are looking forward to what He has in store for 2018.

Green Bean Report

Now, for what we’ve all been waiting for! The Green Bean Project report! This year’s Green Bean Project came with some overwhelming needs. Needs that brought me to tears on more than one occasion. We cannot cover those needs entirely. But, this year our total income for the project was the highest EVER. We finished the project at $2700! This means we will be able to send $675 to each ministry. We are praising the Lord and thank each and every one of you who prayed and participated!

It’s hard to believe we are nearly halfway through the first month of 2018. While we have done some praying and planning for the months ahead, only God truly knows what this year will hold. We ask for your prayer as we look into new areas of ministry that have recently come to our attention. Please pray for God’s guidance, protection, and provision. Most of all, we want to magnify and glorify Him through all we do!
May the Lord richly bless you in this new year!

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