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What the Bible Says

NT 11:5 Of Daisies And Dollars

Week 11: James and the Fatherless Day 5: Of Daisies And Dollars (James 1:9-11) Grass does not do well under the burning sun. Last summer, we had a drought, and our yard suffered greatly. We were re-siding the house, and often couldn’t run the sprinklers because of it. We live in a semi-arid climate anyway, …

What the Bible Says

NT 11:3 – Faith and Commitment

Week 11: James and the Fatherless Day 3: Characteristics and Necessity of Faith, Part II – Faith and Commitment (James 1:6-8) As we have gone through this study of what the Bible says about the fatherless, we have seen on numerous occasions that faith is a necessary part of such ministry. Both the New Testament …

What the Bible Says

NT 11:2 No Room For Doubt

Week 11: James and the Fatherless Day 2: Characteristics and Necessity of Faith, Part I – No Room For Doubt (James 1:6-8) God gives one requirement when He tells us to ask for wisdom: He wants us to do it in faith. Faith is a crucial part of our Christian lives. In fact, we cannot …

What the Bible Says

NT 11:1 The Source of Wisdom

Week 11: James and the Fatherless Day 1: The Source of Wisdom (James 1:5) [Ed. Note – This was written several weeks ago…] Before I crawled out of bed this morning, I already had a specific need for wisdom that wasn’t there when I got into bed last night… that is the nature of orphan …

What the Bible Says

NT 10:3 The Work of Patience

Week 10, Part II: James and the Fatherless Day 3: The Work of Patience (James 1:2-4) Very often the book of James deals with two primary things: Our heart attitudes and our actions. Though there are many subtopics, you can pretty well organize the entire book under these two headings. Looking at it from this …


God is Faithful – Central Asia Update

God is faithful – even when we don’t understand. In nearly eighteen years of working with various ministries overseas, I have never once had to cancel or postpone a trip once the planning was fully underway—until this spring. Now, I face that decision for the second time in a month and a half. I have …