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What the Bible Says

OT 1:4 The Pocketbook – God’s Plan for Provision

Week 1 – Lessons from the Law Day 4 – God’s Plan for Provision: Deuteronomy 14:28,29; 16:11-14; 24:17-22; 26:12,13 Money. Money. Money. Why are so many things about money! It seems sometimes like money is the biggest hurdle in reaching out to the fatherless. Taking on a children’s home or even just adding one child …

What the Bible Says

OT 1:3 God’s Reminder – The Purpose of the Command

Week 1 – Lessons from the Law Day 3 – The Purpose of the Command: Deuteronomy 24:17-18 In the last post, we mentioned God’s purpose for ministry to the fatherless, the widow, and the stranger. Today we will go a little deeper into it.  Deuteronomy 24:17, 18 says: “Thou shalt not pervert the judgment of …


Take Time To Be Holy

This weekend was our church’s annual Ladies Retreat Day. Our theme was “It’s All About Time!” Every lesson was an enormous blessing, at least to me, whether I was listening or teaching it! We normally have 4 speakers, but this year we only had three people in our church who were available to speak and …


The Email

I’ve spent the last two weeks waiting for an email. Not just any email – the email. The one telling me whether or not I needed to drop everything and leave the country. Every morning I got up, read my Bible and checked my email – ok, so some mornings, I checked the email first. …