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Queen For A Day

Last weekend (May 6-7), was the 28th annual Ladies Extravaganza at Fairview Baptist Church in Great Falls, Montana. I was privileged to have the opportunity to speak to the teen class about submitting to, accepting and committing to carrying out God’s will even when it is hard to swallow. (Matthew 26: 36-46, John 18:11) We …


The Piece That Fits No Puzzle

I’ve been thinking about some projects that I have been working on and some people that have crossed my path in the past few weeks… Have you ever felt like a puzzle piece that didn’t fit in any puzzle? Take heart! Don’t forget Christ was the stone that the builders rejected, but upon that Rock …


Prayer Update

March 28, 2011 God is Good. The past month and a half has been very busy. At times it seemed like nothing was getting accomplished and that the wheels were just spinning. But now as I look back, as always, I can see His hand. Children of Prisoners Please continue to pray for the Lord’s …


Everything On My Plate

The following is an article which I recently wrote for Abundance of Grace Emagazine. Some of the major points will also be part of a Teen session that I will be teaching at a Ladies Meeting in May, although it will come from somewhat of a different perspective. Hope you enjoy! Everything On My Plate …


Meeting on Monday

This will just be a quick note. During and after the Revival at the Montana Women’s Prison my heart was greatly touched by the need to reach the children of the inmates. I will be meeting with the MWP Chaplain on Monday to talk about what, if anything, is being done and how a local …


Revival Report

I would like to take the opportunity to give you a report on the revival at the Montana Women’s Prison this past weekend. Thank you for praying! We had between 12-20 women in attendance. On Friday night, one young lady was, as she put it, “re born again over”! Praise the Lord! Even if she …


Schedule for MWP Revival

Headed to Prison This Weekend! We will be starting the revival at the Montana Women’s Prison this evening. Please pray for souls  to be saved and lives changed! The schedule is pretty full, Jan 28th 6-9pm MST Jan 29th 8am – 9pm Jan 30th 8am – 10am                  …


Prayer Update 01-27-11

Since the links in the letter will not work in this format, I have listed them below: Scripture and the Fatherless: Abundance of Grace, Independent Baptist Emagazine: Video Report From Kenya: For info about the Teaching opportunity email: Don’t miss a thing! We would love to keep you up-to-date with what …



C-o-m-m-i-t-m-e-n-t. Those ten little letters have been bouncing around in my head like a bouncy-ball thrown into an empty, industrial sized soup pot. Commitment is not always what it seems. It gets used, abused, avoided and neglected. My MSWord dictionary says that it is something that “takes up time or energy, especially an obligation”. Sounds …