I have just discovered that the Forbid Them Not website is completely down. I’m not sure when this happened, though it had to be sometime between yesterday morning and this morning. Yesterday, was Giving Tuesday, and I had posted links back to the site in a couple of places that would allow people to give …
It’s Green Bean Season!
In just two weeks FTN will enter one of the most special seasons of the year – Green Bean Season. Yes, you read that right – Green Bean Season! What started with a trip to the store to buy beans for a Thanksgiving casserole has grown into an amazing opportunity. Over the past two years, …
Some Gifts Just Keep Giving
I promised quite a long time ago to share this story, so here it finally is. The following was adapted from a newsletter written in January, 2004. Hope you enjoy it! Some gifts just keep giving. They make memories and they liven up both your life and your home. In December of 2003, I was …
NT 12:5 When It’s Okay To Be Dumb
Week 12: James and the Fatherless Day 5: When It’s Okay To Be Dumb (James 1:19, 20) The silence behind the bathroom door concerned me. I could hear the shower running, but nothing else. There should be movement. I knocked, but there was no answer. “Alosha, what are you doing?” I said loudly. “What?” Came …
NT 12:4 Are You Listening?
Week 12: James and the Fatherless Day 4: Are You Listening? (James 1:19) Don’t you hate that feeling of talking to someone, telling them something really important, all the while knowing they aren’t listening to you? In those moments, it can be difficult to resist the temptation to say, “And then a watermelon crossed the …
Fatherless Daughters
I’m running behind today, but was still going to try to get a blog up. Then I saw this in my inbox. These are some statistics that I have never seen before. Although I personally have never specifically run into the problem of people focusing only on boys, these are definitely some thoughts worth considering!
NT 12:3 Every Good Gift
Week 12: James and the Fatherless Day 3: Every Good Gift (James 1:17,18) “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” James 1:17 Some of the things that happen in our lives don’t seem like gifts, …
NT 12:2 Wrong Reasoning
Week 12: James and the Fatherless Day 2: Confronting Wrong Reasoning (James 1:13-16) Two different kinds of temptation are going on in James 1. The first, the one we have already been looking at, is the testing that God allows in our lives to try and to prove the sincerity of our faith. Interestingly enough, …
NT 12:2 Confronting Wrong Reasoning
Week 12: James and the Fatherless Day 2: Confronting Wrong Reasoning (James 1:13-16) Two different kinds of temptation are going on in James 1. The first, the one we have already been looking at, is the testing that God allows in our lives to try and to prove us. Interestingly enough, the word that is …
NT 12:1 The Blessings of Enduring
Week 12: James and the Fatherless Day 1: The Blessings of Enduring (James 1:12) As we work our way through James 1 (previous posts herehttps://forbidthemnot.com/what-the-bible-says-about-the-fatherless/), we’ve reached the first heading for the “Action” column: Endure. We find that title in James 1:12. Although we have already glimpsed much of the needed action, here we find …