Showing 100 Result(s)

God is Faithful – Central Asia Update

God is faithful – even when we don’t understand. In nearly eighteen years of working with various ministries overseas, I have never once had to cancel or postpone a trip once the planning was fully underway—until this spring. Now, I face that decision for the second time in a month and a half. I have …


How Would Job Celebrate Father’s Day

I shouldn’t be writing this. It’s eleven p.m. and I have a busy day tomorrow. There’s a good chance that I’ll wake up in the morning and scratch the whole thing because it’s not likely I’ll make much sense at this hour…But I can’t not write it. Sunday is Father’s Day. We all know that. …


Trip Update

Our second deadline for the Kenya trip has come and gone. Some of you already know that the funds for the trip did not come with it. Because of the other things going on for the remainder of the year*, I do not feel that we can simply reschedule it or push it back a …

What the Bible Says

NT 10:1 The Final Stamp

Week 10: The New Testament and Adoption Cont’d Day 1: The Final Stamp – (Ephesians 1:12-14) We always used to joke that in order to get anything done in Russia you had to have two things: A Spravka (certificate) and a Pechat’ (stamp). The stamp was particularly important because even if you had the spravka, …

What the Bible Says

NT 9:4 Adoption And The Law

Week 9: The New Testament and Adoption Day 4: Adoption and the Law – (Romans 10:14; Galatians 4:1-10) Over the years, I have come in contact with several children who made very puzzling decisions. They had, up to that point, been brought up either on the streets or in very bad home environments. Suddenly, they …

What the Bible Says

NT 9:3 Adoption and Israel

Week 9: The New Testament and Adoption Day 3: Adoption and Israel – Romans 9 “Can you imagine a woman giving birth to a child and then casting it out into the field to wallow in the afterbirth, unbathed, uncared for, naked and exposed to the elements? Can you imagine a child in such a …


The Unexpected

Sometimes the unexpected happens. Just when you think you know where you’re going, God switches on the turn signal. At the start of this year, the Lord opened the door to begin preparing materials for a Bible Institute course on reaching the Fatherless. Much of what you have seen in the “What the Bible Says …