Week 7 – Lessons from the Prophets Cont’d Day 3 – Zechariah and the Fatherless: Zechariah 7,8 So, what about the fatherless? Where do they come into this whole picture? Once again, they are at the heart of the issue. Apparently, during the time of the captivity the Jews had been observing a time of …

OT 4:5 Isaiah and the Fatherless
Week 4, Part 2: Lessons from the Prophets Day 5 – Isaiah and the Fatherless: Isaiah 1:17, 23; 9:17; 10:2 Post Theme: When God Doesn’t Show Mercy to the Fatherless In the last blog, (If you were brave enough to read the whole thing!), we looked at the backdrop of Isaiah with hardly a mention …

OT 4:4 – Isaiah: The Backdrop
Week 4, Part 2: Lessons from the Prophets Day 4 – Isaiah: The Backdrop Post Theme: Historical Backdrop for the book of Isaiah Today’s post is a little different. It is simply a bit, okay, maybe a lot, of background information on the book of Isaiah – but it is very important. Not only does …