Week 6: The New Testament and Children Day 5: Whose Children Are We? God often uses the term “children” in Scripture as an identifier of sorts. The implication is that if you are the children of _______ then you bare the characteristics of your father and brothers. Often the term represents a very simple, physical …
NT 6:4 Forbid Them Not
Week 6: The New Testament and Children Day 4: Forbid Them Not – Matthew 19:13-15; 18:3,4; Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-17 The disciples were just as human as any of the rest of us, and they made that very plain by some of their attitudes and actions. In Mark 10:13, we see parents bringing their children …
NT 6:3 Counting Sheep
Week 6: The New Testament and Children Day 3: Counting Sheep – Matthew 18:10-14 I love mountains. Real mountains. No offense to those of you living in little mountains that never break above the tree line, but I love tall mountains. Several years ago, the Lord gave me the opportunity to visit with missionaries that …
NT 5:5 Taking a Chance
Week 5: The New Testament and Children Day 5 – Taking a Chance – Matthew 15:38; 17:14-21 Jesus did not neglect children in His earthly ministry. In fact, He took note of them and cared for them where others failed or did not have the ability to meet the need. In some instances we just …
NT 5:4 Walking in Daddy’s Shoes
Week 5: The New Testament and Children Day 4: Walking in Daddy’s Shoes – 1 Peter 1:14 I still remember the feel of my Dad’s large shoes on my tiny feet. They were heavy. Loose. Cumbersome. I tripped every time I put them on and tried to walk across the room. But they were my …
NT 5:3 Faith. Courage. Dedication.
Week 5: The New Testament and Children Day 3: Faith. Courage. Dedication. Matthew 15:26; Mark 7:26-28 In Matthew 15 and Mark 7, a Gentile woman came to Jesus asking that He deliver her daughter from an evil spirit. Jesus did not respond, but she continued to plead with Him. Finally the disciples had, had enough. …
NT 5:2 Follow – As Dear Children
Week 5: The New Testament and Children Day 2: Follow – As Dear Children – Matthew 7:11; Luke 11:13; Ephesians 5:1 I was nineteen years old. The furthest I had ever been from home was, well, not very far. Not without my family at least. The previous day I had boarded an airplane for the …
NT 5:1 God Cares for His Children
Week 5: The New Testament and Children Day 1: God Cares for His Children – John 11:49-52; 13;33-35; 21:5,6 How precious, not just to be called the children of God, but to know that we are His children. In addition to the passages we looked at last week, three more passages in the Gospels compare …
NT 4:5 Loving Beyond Beautiful
Week 4, Part 2: The New Testament and Children Day 5: Loving Beyond Beautiful – Matthew 5:9, 45; Luke 6:35 As you read some of the blogs in this section of the series on the “New Testament and the Fatherless” you might wonder what it actually has to do with the fatherless since they are …
NT 4:4 The Value of a Child
Week 4, Part 2: The New Testament and Children Day 4: The Value of a Child Children are often overlooked in this big ol’ world, but the New Testament in no way neglects them. In fact, it all started with a child, and then The Child who had come to redeem us from our sins. …