Week 4: Widows Indeed Cont’d Day 3: It Won’t Just Happen – Be Intentional – Acts 6:1-7 Starting a new outreach is a little like starting a new blog: The page is blank, the cursor is blinking, but where do I begin? The Christians in Acts faced this to some extent when the Grecians began …
NT 3:4 Setting An Example
Week 3, Part 2: Widows Indeed Day 4: Setting An Example Luke 2:36-38; 4:25,26 Yesterday we saw the stark difference between Jesus’ way of relating to a widow woman and that of the Pharisees. Today we are going to start looking at several illustrations from the New Testament of the honor that God gives to …
NT 3:3 Of Trumpets And Coins
Week 3, Part 1: Lessons From The Pharisees Cont’d Day 3: Of Trumpets And Coins Mark 12:38-44; Matthew 23:14; Luke 20:45-47 A simple coin. I held it between my fingers and flipped it over and over again, watching the light move across its surface. How could a simple coin mean so much? It was …
NT 3:2 For Viewing Purposes Only
Week 3, Part1: Lessons From the Pharisees Cont’d Day 2: For Viewing Purposes Only Matthew 23; Luke 11:37-54; 18:9-14; Isaiah 58:7; Daniel 4:27 It’s somewhat easy to make light of the Pharisees’ displeasure with the disciples’ dirty hands, but in reality it was an incredibly serious matter. Their attention to the outward condition of men …
NT 3:1 Eating With Dirty Hands
Week 3, Part 1: Lessons From The Pharisees Cont’d Day 1: Eating with Dirty Hands – Matthew 15:1-20; Isaiah 9 (15-17); Mark 7:1-23 Isaiah 29 It seems the disciples were always disappointing the Pharisees. They just had a knack for doing exactly the wrong thing. It makes me laugh because, honestly, I have a feeling …
NT 2:4 Principle in Action
Week 2: Lessons From The Pharisees Day 4 – Principle in Action: Luke 13:10-17 Jesus didn’t just tell the Pharisees how they should behave and what Scripture they needed to review and understand. He lived out the difference between their idea of things and God’s idea of things. (Not sure what we’re talking about, check …
NT 2:3 Lessons From The Pharisees
Week 2: Lessons From The Pharisees Day 3 – Mercy vs. Sacrifice: Matthew 9:9-13; 12:1-8 [Is it appropriate to start a blog with a preface? Well, I’m going to. The next few passages that we look at will begin to reveal that the Pharisees and Scribes of Jesus day had much the same heart problem …
NT 2:2 Asking God
Week 2: Lessons From the Pharisees Day 2 – Asking God: Matthew 7:7-12 Life has taught me that perspective affects everything. One day, several years ago, I was sitting in my bed in Russia having a pity party. I had been sick for a couple of days and was tired of being in bed. My …
NT 2:1 Alms, Alms For The Poor
Week 2, Day 1: Alms, Alms For the Poor Matthew 6:1-4; Luke 12:33,34 When I was a little girl, my sisters and I used to go around mimicking the old animated Disney version of Robin Hood: “Alms,” quakes Robin Hood (a caped fox wearing a blind man’s sunglasses), “Alms for the poor.” We would close …
NT 1:5 Our Treasure Box
Week 1: Getting Started Day 5 – Our Treasure Box: Matthew 6:1-4; Matthew 6:19-34; Luke 12:22-48 We have some strange neighbors. I mean, really strange. They’ve never taken the time to build a house. They never go grocery shopping. They don’t give any thought to what they are going to wear each day. They just …