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About FTN, Daily

What’s Going On In 2013

Okay. I know it’s already February, so this might seem a little late, but here goes anyway! I have spent much time in prayer about the Lord’s direction for this year. In fact, when I came home from Kenya, I took an entire day to go out, hike along the river and find a quiet …

What the Bible Says

NT 1:4 Lights On A Hill

Week 1: Getting Started Day 4 – Lights on a Hill: Matthew 5:13-16 It’s a hundred miles from the Montana/Wyoming line to my hometown. I’ve made the drive more times than I can count, usually with various family members and usually with eight or ten hours of driving behind us. When I was a little …

What the Bible Says

NT 1:3 Asshur Revisted

Week 1: Getting Started Day 3: Asshur Revisited Matthew 4:12-17 As we went through the Old Testament we saw not only the Lord’s desires toward the fatherless, but also towards several other groups, specifically, strangers, widows, the oppressed and the poor and needy. These groups are found in the New Testament as well. In fact, …

What the Bible Says

NT 1:1 A Heart Unchanged

Week 1: Getting Started Day 1 – A Heart Unchanged: (Mark 1:1-8; Luke 1:11-17, Malachi 4:5,6; Luke 7:18-35; Malachi 3:1; John 1:23; Isaiah 40:3) Four hundred years. That’s a long time to live in silence, a long time not hearing from the One you love. That’s how long it had been for Israel. The God …

Daily, Projects

Green Bean Project Report

Four times, Psalm 107 says to praise the Lord for His wonderful works among the children of men. So, here goes! About a month ago I was starting to get a little panicked about the outcome of the Green Bean Project. We had about 22 days left in the project and I realized that the …

What the Bible Says

OT 9:4 The Final Word

Week 9: Lessons from the Prophets Cont’d Day 4 – The Final Word: Malachi 4:5,6 Malachi ends with yet another prophecy of the ministry of John the Baptist. There seems to be some controversy surrounding the prophecy, but Scripture is really pretty clear if you just take the time to look it over. Jesus clearly …

What the Bible Says

OT 9:3 Robbing God

Week 9: Lessons from the Prophets Cont’d Day 3 – Robbing God (Malachi Cont’d): Malachi 3:7-17 Since Malachi only mentions the fatherless once, you might think that we should have been done with this yesterday, but we’re not. Why? Because the next section goes on to discuss something that directly affects them. This is why …