Week 5: Lessons from the Prophets Cont’d Day 5 – Sodom’s Other Sins: Ezekiel 16:49, 50 The references to the poor and needy in the book of Ezekiel are also very important. The first is especially interesting. In this day and age when wickedness is so blatantly rampant, we have a tendency to link one …
OT 5:4 Ezekiel and the Stranger
Week 5: Lessons from the Prophets Cont’d Day 4 – Ezekiel and the Stranger: Ezekiel 14:6-8; 44:6-9; 47:23 The book of Ezekiel is an amazing book. If you have never taken the time to read through it carefully – do it. Choosing how and where to start for today’s post is not easy! The ministries …

OT 2:2 Finger-pointing
Week 2 – Lessons From Job Day 2 – The Accusations of Eliphaz: Job 22:5-10 The conversation between Job and his friends, which we began covering in our last blog, continues on and on and on. Finally, in Job chapter twenty-two, Eliphaz makes a direct accusation against Job regarding some of the reasons he believes …