Week 1: Getting Started Day 1 – A Heart Unchanged: (Mark 1:1-8; Luke 1:11-17, Malachi 4:5,6; Luke 7:18-35; Malachi 3:1; John 1:23; Isaiah 40:3) Four hundred years. That’s a long time to live in silence, a long time not hearing from the One you love. That’s how long it had been for Israel. The God …
OT 9:3 Robbing God
Week 9: Lessons from the Prophets Cont’d Day 3 – Robbing God (Malachi Cont’d): Malachi 3:7-17 Since Malachi only mentions the fatherless once, you might think that we should have been done with this yesterday, but we’re not. Why? Because the next section goes on to discuss something that directly affects them. This is why …
OT 7:1 – Living a Submitted Life or Building a Memorial
Week 7 – Lessons from the Prophets Cont’d Day 1: Zecharaiah and Ministry Cont’d – Living a Submitted Life or Building a Memorial: Ezra 4-6, Romans 6:16 When Zechariah and Haggai came to the people with this prophecy (See week 6, day 5) God stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel and Joshua and of the …
OT 6:2 A Man for the Gap
Week 6 – Lessons from the Prophets Cont’d Day 2 – A Man for the Gap: Ezekiel 22:7, 29 Ezekiel twenty-two is a sobering chapter. It addresses Jerusalem and her sin. Verse three gives the short list of offenses: Violence and idolatry. The long list, however, starts in verse seven, to it is added gross …
OT 6:1 lndividual Responsibility
Week 6 – Lessons from the Prophets Cont’d Day 1 – Individual Responsibility, Ezekiel 18:12,17 Ezekiel chapter eighteen is a very important chapter. While much of the material in the books of prophecy is dealing with the sins of Israel, Judah or many other nations as a whole, this chapter deals with the sins of …

OT 5:3 When a Nation Neglects the Fatherless
Week 5: Lessons from the Prophets Cont’d Day 3 – When a Nation Neglects the Fatherless: Jeremiah 5:28, 7:6,7; 22:3,4; Lamentations 5:3 The message to Judah regarding the fatherless is a lot more extensive than what we saw in Jeremiah’s address to Edom. The fatherless are first mentioned in chapter five where the sin of …

OT 4:5 Isaiah and the Fatherless
Week 4, Part 2: Lessons from the Prophets Day 5 – Isaiah and the Fatherless: Isaiah 1:17, 23; 9:17; 10:2 Post Theme: When God Doesn’t Show Mercy to the Fatherless In the last blog, (If you were brave enough to read the whole thing!), we looked at the backdrop of Isaiah with hardly a mention …

OT 4:1 – The Wicked and the Fatherless
Post Theme: The Wicked and the Fatherless Week 4, Part 1: Lessons from Psalms and Proverbs Day 1 – The Wicked and the Fatherless: Psalm 10:18; 94: 3-6; 109:9,12; 146:9 It never pays to do evil. Job and his friends painted a picture of wicked men being those who oppress and abuse the poor, the …

OT 3:3 – God’s Purposes
Post Theme: God’s Purposes for Ministry to the Fatherless Week 3 – Lessons from Job Cont’d Day 4: God’s Purposes – Review While, as we learned from Job, it is possible for us to have the wrong purpose in ministry, it is never possible for GOD to have the wrong purpose. Let’s review some of …

OT 3:3 Job’s Reasoning (Part 2)
Week 3 – Lessons from Job Cont’d Day 3 – Job’s Reasoning (Part 2 – Avoiding Self-righteousness): Job 42:5,6 “I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee. Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.” Yesterday, we looked at Job’s first reason for his …