

As I write this I am surrounded by mounds of half-packed boxes, packing materials and cleaning projects. Besides my packing, and cleaning the unit, I am also the only person in the office this week, which is already proving exciting. I arrived home from church yesterday morning to find a note on the door that said the ceiling in one of the laundry rooms was caving in! Ah, the joys of property management! Please, be praying that things would go smoothly this week!
Please also be praying about the changes of the next couple of weeks. Pray for:
• Clear direction from the Lord in some major decisions that must be made as I return to Billings,
• For those of us who will be sewing the school uniforms for the children in Kenya,
• For the preparations for the upcoming outreach to single mom’s,
• For continued progress on the materials,
• And for a major unspoken request.
At this point the plan is for the move to be on Friday. We also have four major appointments that day. So there will be much to be accomplished in a very short period of time. Please, pray for good weather. When I moved up here it was  – 12º with 40 mph winds. While I don’t think we will have anything near that cold, we have been having a lot of wind lately and it will make it easier on those driving and carrying things in and out if we do not have that to contend with.
As I look back on the last 3 1/2 months, I can clearly see the Lord’s hand in so many situations. I praise Him for the opportunities that I have had to witness to several people that I never would have even met if it hadn’t been for this time here. I am so grateful to Him for the wonderful church that I have been able to attend here. So grateful for the lessons He has taught and for the things He has done.
“Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!” Psalm 107:8