Job 31 Projects, Projects

Many Blessings!

The last few days have been full of blessings, both personal and for the Job 31 Project and the preparations for the Singled Out event coming up on May 15th.
From a personal perspective the greatest blessing was the wonderful time spent at the Ladies Extravaganza at Fairview Baptist Church in Great Falls, MT. The workshops and fellowship were all such a joy and so needed! It was also a great blessing to see many friends from my days at Mountain States Baptist College and from around the state.
On Saturday morning of the Extravaganza, I was given the opportunity to share a little bit about FTN and in particular about the Job 31 Project. When I had finished, Mrs. Dion asked for ladies to raise their hands if they were interested in helping with the cutting and sewing. Several hands went up! By the time the day was done we had ladies from five churches that had signed up to help!
To top it all off, the shipping on the fabric was more than the company that we purchased it from expected, so they absorbed the extra cost by lowering the cost of the fabric to $2.50 per yard! To buy a similar fabric at a local store, even at half off, would have been double this price!
Also over the weekend, my Pastor was in touch with a friend who owned a dry cleaning and laundry chain. They called us Monday morning to say that they would launder and press all 150 yards of fabric free of charge. However, when the fabric arrived on Tuesday they realized that they did not have the equipment to handle the width and large quantity of the fabric. They said that it would take them a week to press it all! Imagine what it will take us without a press to do it by hand! They have given us two suggestions for other merchants in town that may have the needed equipment. Please pray that the Lord would give us wisdom in this process.
It has also been a great blessing to see some of the ladies from the church here in Billings getting a burden for the single moms outreach. One has been actively telling friends and gathering needed items, another took fliers to her children’s school. Others have offered to help out during the day. Praise the Lord!
I received an email from Kenya tonight. They received a new group of children yesterday. Five more are on their way. They will have two more than they expected. They do not have room for two more. Pray that God will show Himself strong on the behalf of these two and the entire ministry. This is just the sort of situation in which God loves to show His strength.
Please be praying also for the making of the uniforms and the logistics and travel of working with the various churches. Continue to pray for the Lord’s provision for the uniform tops (shirts and sweaters). Shoes, socks and pencils are also a need.
Please be in special prayer for the ladies that come on the 15th. Pray that their hearts will be prepared and that we will be able to effectively share Christ with them. Pray also that they will come to the follow-up Bible studies that we are planning.
Please continue to pray for a couple of important decisions and for an unspoken request. God’s timing is always best!