Daily, Kenya 2010

Prayer Team Update 1

Dear Prayer Team 

I wanted to send this out days ago, but this week has been rather hectic. This letter is going to those who either committed to pray for this trip specifically or to those that I know are already praying. (By the way, some of you shared prayer requests with me at the same time and I want you to know that I am praying for you as well!) Thank you so much for your prayers, I can tell that you are praying! I am going to start with praises, specific prayer requests are at the bottom of the page.
Here are just a few of the things that the Lord has done since I asked for people to commit to pray daily for this trip:
1. The Lord provided $320 through two love offerings/gifts this weekend. – My vaccinations for the trip were $314.
2. The Lord provided a special gift from an individual of $200 – My separate appointment to get a prescription for anti-malarial meds was $105, a replacement suitcase was $45 and much needed shoes $55 (I did not have a single pair that was not falling apart or so worn that they were painful to wear).
All told the Lord provided $1 more than what these expenses came to!
3. The Lord also separately provided an additional replacement suitcase and all of the prescriptions that had to be purchased before leaving the country.
4. I had asked for prayer that two things would resolve themselves before I left. That the data recovery on my failed hard drive would be completed and that we would find out more conclusively where things stood with my wrist injury. The data company called me last week with the news that nothing was recoverable. Although this is a real blow because there was so much on the drive and only some of it had been backed up, I am at peace that the Lord has a plan for this. It also has freed up some much needed funds for the trip. We also found out last week that my wrist will not need surgery! The next few weeks will be a huge test. But at least we are at a crossroads that can be picked back up when I return if need be.
5. The Lord has provided transportation from the airport and a room at a missionary guest house in Nairobi the first night!
6. The Lord has provided 2 used laptop computers, which the Sangs had requested for the school, for the cost of the shipping to my home!
Through everything that the Lord has been doing it has also provided extra opportunities to give God the glory before others. Please be in prayer for a young lady named Mary whom I was able to give  a tract and talk with briefly as I was checking out at Shopko (with a suitcase 🙂 ) on Wednesday.
Things to be praying about:
1. That hearts would be prepared both in Kenya and for the ladies retreat that we will be having on October 30th at our church.
2. That souls would be saved.
3. For lesson preparation. Satan is fighting hard in this area. There have been many, many interruptions.
4. For the luggage situation. Over the years the guidelines have changed. International travel used to allow two 70 lbs bags. They now only allow two 50 lbs bags. Extra luggage is $200 per bag. With 165 uniforms (weighing 75lbs), 2 laptops, lesson materials, etc. the bags are filling very quickly. Pray that I will have wisdom in packing.
5. For travel safety and that things would move smoothly through security and customs. Travel Dates: Leave Billings Nov. 1st, Arrive in Nairobi late Nov. 2nd, drive to the Sangs’ village (4-5 hours) Nov. 3rd. Return to Nairobi and fly out Late Dec 1st, Arrive back in Billings very late Dec 2nd.
6. That my own heart would be prepared for what lies ahead, that I would have a servant’s heart, but also wisdom in situations that may arise.
7. Most of all, that God would be glorified!
Thank you so much for praying, it makes a difference!
Rachel Miller
Philippians 1:20,21, Hosea 14:3