Daily, Kenya 2010

Prayer Team Update 2

Thank you all for praying! The Ladies Retreat went very well today. We had 17 ladies attending, from 8 different church. Several drove 2-3 hours to get here. It was a blessing to have everyone. The fellowship was sweet and the time around God’s Word was sweeter still! Our topic was “The King’s Daughter: Who is she really?” We had four sessions, a wonderful lunch and a craft that went along with the theme. To give you a taste of what we heard, here is a little breakdown by session:
Session 1: Who is the King? – (Candy Miller) This was a great lesson on the characteristics of God as King based on our main text, Psalm 45, as well as many, many other passages.
Session 2: The Palace: Where does the King live? – (Connie Reynolds) This lesson was very thought provoking as we moved from the obvious answer to the question (Heaven) to the more personal and very powerful answer – My Heart.
Session 3: The King’s Decree – (Connie Reynolds and Rachel Miller) This lesson focused on the Great Commission from both a personal soul-winning perspective and a missions perspective.
Session 4: – The King’s Daughter: Who is she really? – (Rachel Miller) This lesson was much too long and had way too much information in it, but it was a blessing to the one who got to do the studying and preparation to teach it!  This lesson looked at the depravity from which the King’s daughter was redeemed, to the glory in which we find her in Psalm 45 and then on to what happened to the King’s daughter after that beautiful crowning day. (Hoping to get some of this into writing and posted when I get back, it was truly an amazing study.)
So there is a little glimpse. Hope the pictures below are a blessing.

Fellowship Hall turned "Throne Room" for the day to go along with our theme.

Enjoying fellowship over lunch. (It was soooo Yummy!)

Strengthening Relationships

Enjoying the Day