
Prayer Team Update Nov 13

The Lord is good! I have been in Kenya now for about 10 days. So much has happened that I can hardly describe it all, but here are a few of the major events:
1. Lifeway Academy – This is the school for which we made the uniforms. The Lord has blessed with the joy of teaching 4-5 lessons a day, including 1st grade English and Bible, 2nd Grade English, Math, “Christian Religious Education” (CRE) and Bible and occasionally a Bible class for the nursery class. Think I’ll wait awhile to take on the Kiswahili class! 🙂
2.Ladies: The Lord allowed us to find a manual sewing machine for around $150 dollars, much cheaper than we thought it would. So, we have begun sewing lessons with some of the ladies from the area. We start each class with a Bible Study which has been the biggest blessing of all for me. Then we work on the basics of sewing. Please be praying for these classes. 1. That the machine would consistently work well, 2. For those ladies who are already believers to be strengthened and 3. For those who are not to come to Christ through this time in His Word. Praise the Lord we have 20 ladies registered for our classes and the number keeps growing.
We are also supposed to have a seminar with the ladies from the Sang’s church on the 27th and with another church on the 20th.
Travels: We took a day trip to Soacho to the school where the Sangs’ son is studying last Saturday(it was a beautiful drive and, since I know you’ll want to know, there were monkeys in the trees at the school! 🙂 ) and today we are visiting the Bible College where Bro. Sang teaches not for from Kericho. I am looking forward to looking around a little and seeing it in the daylight. We got in last night around supper time and had a short prayer meeting with the students. It was a great blessing!
Praise the Lord for His healing of the Sangs’ daughter Abigael (3). She was very sick last weekend with Malaria. They had to take her to the hospital during the night and she was there for about two days. She is doing much better now.
God is doing a great work here. Please keep praying! The time is passing very quickly. The days are very full. Please pray that I will be sensitive to His guidance in teaching and each task that He gives me to do here.
Thank You For Your Prayers!