Daily, Job 31 Projects, Kenya 2010, Projects

Kenya 2010 – Reaping the Fruits of the Job 31 Project

I am so glad to be able to finally get this update to you. I apologize for not being able to send more updates from Kenya, however we were not close to an internet connection most of the time.
For those of you who may not have time to read this entire update I will give a little summary. God did many wonderful things. I believe strongly that as we obey God and seek to honor His command to care for the fatherless that it will also open further doors to spread the gospel. This trip is the perfect example. It is also a perfect example of His ability to provide for such a ministry. Please keep in mind that all of this came about from the sewing of a few school uniforms and through a missionary whose support is (on a good month) around $40 a month – LITTLE IS MUCH WHEN GOD IS IN IT!
Summary, In 30 days we:
• Visited a total of 4 local churches in various villages and towns.
•Attended mid-week prayer meetings with the local church out of which the Sangs are currently working.
• Taught 3 Ladies’ Seminars reaching about 100 women
• Taught multiple classes, multiple subjects (including Bible lessons) at the Lifeway Academy
• Taught sewing lessons and Bible lessons to about 25 women, 3-4 times each week.
•Visited the Bible college where Br. Sang has been assisting.
•Delivered the uniforms – WHICH ALL FIT PERFECTLY. And shared the gospel with the children’s parents and guardians, about 50 adults.
•Plus much, much more just in daily living.