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From All My Heart

“Thank you, thank you,” read one of several excited texts, which I received after a single mom found out she was coming home to a new window air conditioner.


The single mom, we’ll call her Karen, is one of the women whom we helped move earlier this year. Since her move, she has run into multiple problems in her new home, including the discovery that her new landlord had not changed the locks. This discovery was made when a strange man walked into their home at 10 o’clock one night. Not only this and not only did the house have no air conditioning but it was also infested with spiders, had a gas leak and a bad water heater.


About a week and a half ago, Karen texted me at the point of tears. I wanted to do something to help, but wasn’t sure how or where to start. I asked our partners on Facebook to pray with me that we would know how God wanted us to get involved. We were able to get information to help Karen in dealing with her landlord, but there were still other needs. God answered our prayer with an unexpected gift and a great price on a window AC unit.


So, when Karen texted me saying “you’re so amazing”, I was able to respond, “You’re welcome, but it wasn’t me. It was God. We didn’t have the means to do anything, but we prayed and God provided.”
I didn’t get a response right away, but the next text I received was priceless. It wasn’t from Karen. It was from her teenage daughter, who said, “I just wanted to thank you and your business [FTN] for looking out for us. I appreciate everything that you are doing for us. Love from all my heart <3
Please pray that the Lord will continue to open doors to work with this fatherless family and to share His love and the salvation that is in Jesus Christ.
Other News From May and June
•It’s official! After 8 months of paperwork, we finally have been approved as a 501c3. I was at work when I got the email from our accountant. I literally gasped, jumped out of my desk chair, and yelled out my manager’s name. I think she nearly jumped out of her skin. We are all so grateful to everyone who has prayed throughout this process and to the Lord for bringing this about.
• Mother’s Day –The Lord allowed us to give each of the moms in our care a very nice potted flower and a gift card for Mother’s Day. The gift was a blessing to each of them and held the door open for further ministry.
• A New Addition –We are so grateful for the way God has provided to bring Marta Trout into the ministry. I know that the path to this point has not been an easy one for her and that we have her at great personal sacrifice. We are so blessed and undeserving and so grateful.
• Our Bible Study continues each Tuesday. Please pray for wisdom as we deal with some very difficult topics.
• We were able to share with a group of 23 people all from the Billings area about the ministry of Forbid Them Not. Many of them took brochures because they knew people who would either benefit from the ministry or who would be able to send people in our direction. Please pray that God would continue to use this event to grow the ministry as He sees fit.
How can we pray for you?

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