Daily, Growing Together, Updates

Growing Together

2014-08-15 10.53.29It’s spring, and that means things are beginning to grow and bloom. Some of you are already well into your growing season. In Montana, we are just beginning to see the leaves open up on the trees, the tulips are still blooming, and the lilacs—oh, the lilacs! I actually drove through an alley yesterday just to get an up close view of the bush behind our office. I love watching things come back to life in the spring and seeing the growing process through which the various plants go. It reminds me of the resurrection and the hope we have in Christ. Spring also encourages me with the potential for the ministry of Forbid Them Not to grow.

A garden only yields abundant fruit when it is tended with that purpose. As we come into this summer growing season, we would like to see Forbid Them Not grow in many areas, yielding fruit that will glorify God and change lives. Over the next few weeks, we will be sharing more of that vision with you, posting encouraging blogs about growing our “garden” of ministry and yours, inviting you to be a part of the growth of Forbid Them Not, and extending challenges that will help all of us grow in our ministries to the fatherless and single moms. We’ve never done anything quite like this before, so it’s as new to us as to you, but as Hudson Taylor said, “Unless there is an element of risk in our exploits for God there is no need for faith.” We are trusting Him to do great things this summer!

The following, short video shares a little more about our goals for the summer as well as our first, simple challenge for growth. I am looking forward to Growing Together with each of you.

Click here to join the Forbid Them Not Facebook Group!

Are you growing a garden this year? Tell us about it in the Facebook group!

Pictures Welcome!

See you there!

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