Daily, Projects

Impossible to Done

Backpacks - Impossible to Done

Post Theme: Backpacks for Kids

“There are three stages to every great work of God…impossible…difficult…done.”

Hudson Taylor

I sat down to write this over two weeks ago, but was interrupted before I got very far. I think God let it get delayed because He simply wasn’t done yet!

If you follow us on Facebook, then you’ve probably seen the good news! The Lord has worked through His people to provide ALL 50 BACKPACKS!!! And all the supplies to fill them. It has been a blessing to watch how things went from impossible to done, as Hudson Taylor would say. But it has been just as amazing to watch the work God has been doing in the hearts of those involved in the project. Many have given so freely of themselves and some have shared the lessons of faith God has been teaching them through this project. 

We had half of the backpacks delivered and were just waiting for the opportunity to drop off the rest, when the August Clothing Exchange rolled around. Only one family visited that day, but they had specific needs, among them school clothes and…..school supplies. We still had a few items left, and it was just enough to supply for one more. So, just because He can, God provided for 51 children!

The backpacks and school supplies have all been delivered now, but I don’t believe God’s work is done. Please continue to pray for the children the bags went to. Only the Lord knows the concerns and needs of their hearts. Most of all, they need Him.

Thank you to everyone who helped with this project. So many of you gave your time, energy, ideas, provided supplies, and gave financially to support the project. Thank you to Mazevo, Frameless Picture, and those of you who helped with the BBQ, both the day of and in the days leading up to it. It was SO hot! Thank you for sticking it out!

We serve an amazing God! It’s wonderful to serve Him together.

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