I once wrote a story in which a farmer and a cowboy sit atop their horses on a butte overlooking the vast Montana landscape. The cowboy is almost certain he’s lost his mind to even consider what he’s about to do. The farmer assures him that if God is leading him into the venture, then …
Life Without Dad: Uncertainty
I am not a fan of heights. In fact, I once wrote an entire blog about that. Despite my distaste for high places, I love hiking in the mountains. I’m not a blaze-your-own trail, wander-through-the-wilderness, hike-for-days-on-end kind of hiker—but I love a good day-hike on a well-groomed, well-MARKED trail. Several years ago, I had the …
Life Without Dad: Life in the Past Tense
Last summer, two friends kept suggesting we spend a day at this place their parents had taken them to as children. They remembered driving to a lake that dried up each summer. They insisted it was called “Big Dry,” but no one else seemed to know anything about it. I got out a map to …
Life Without Dad: I’m Goin’ In
I’ve always had this amazing dread of the underneath side of the house. Not a fear, just a dread of the mud and the spiders and the dark—and the spiders hiding in the dark, waiting to take up residence in my hair. But, this week I found myself tweeting this: “Goin’ in…Here’s hoping I come …
Life Without Dad
[Note: This was written Sunday night. I apologize for the delay in getting it posted.] It’s 12:45 a.m., and I’m wide-awake. I was almost asleep when I suddenly realized if I’m going to mow tomorrow, I should charge the weed-eater’s battery. I argued with myself for a while, trying to figure out if I could …
In God's Arms
Thank you so much for praying for my dad. Many of you have already heard that God’s answer was not the one we expected or hoped for, but we know He “never moves without purpose or plan.” My Dad went home to be with the Lord yesterday morning around 10:30. It came as a great …
Our Family Needs Your Prayer
I had intended to write an update this week, but this is not what I intended to write. That letter will have to wait. Some of you are already aware of what is going on, and I want to thank you so much for your love and support. Yesterday morning my Dad, BIMI missionary Richard …
March Update
February raced by, and it seems we did one thing more than any other—shovel snow! We had 37” of the beautiful white stuff in those 28 days! It truly was beautiful, and cold with temps going as low as -22 in Billings. We were shoveling in -35 degree wind chills! So far, with the exception …
January Update
Where did 2013 go? You may have also begun to wonder where I went! The last three months have been incredibly busy. I am so sorry it has kept me from being able to give full update. So, here’s a quick rundown: Travels and Meetings • October – Our Annual Ladies’ Retreat went very well …
What I Want To Be When I Grow Up
I recently joined a small group of women in writing for a Facebook Bible study called Worthy Daughters. One of the things we were asked to do was to share our testimonies. It occurred to me that I have never done that on this blog. So, I thought I would just go ahead and share …