Showing 2 Result(s)
What the Bible Says

NT 2:5 No To Do List

Week 2: Lessons From the Pharisees Day 5 – No “To Do” List – Principle in Action, Part 2: Luke 18:18-30; Mark 10:17-31 As I read through the Bible, there are certain stories that just fill me with disappointment and sadness. The story in Luke 18:18-30 is one of them. Here a rich young man …

What the Bible Says

NT 1:5 Our Treasure Box

Week 1: Getting Started Day 5 – Our Treasure Box:  Matthew 6:1-4; Matthew 6:19-34; Luke 12:22-48 We have some strange neighbors. I mean, really strange. They’ve never taken the time to build a house. They never go grocery shopping. They don’t give any thought to what they are going to wear each day. They just …