Showing 12 Result(s)
What the Bible Says

NT 12:3 Every Good Gift

Week 12: James and the Fatherless Day 3: Every Good Gift (James 1:17,18) “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” James 1:17 Some of the things that happen in our lives don’t seem like gifts, …


How Would Job Celebrate Father’s Day

I shouldn’t be writing this. It’s eleven p.m. and I have a busy day tomorrow. There’s a good chance that I’ll wake up in the morning and scratch the whole thing because it’s not likely I’ll make much sense at this hour…But I can’t not write it. Sunday is Father’s Day. We all know that. …

What the Bible Says

NT 9:4 Adoption And The Law

Week 9: The New Testament and Adoption Day 4: Adoption and the Law – (Romans 10:14; Galatians 4:1-10) Over the years, I have come in contact with several children who made very puzzling decisions. They had, up to that point, been brought up either on the streets or in very bad home environments. Suddenly, they …

What the Bible Says

NT 8:4 The Spirit of Adoption

Week 8: The New Testament and Adoption Day 4: Spirit of Adoption – Romans 8:14-16 During the years that I lived in Russia, it seemed with every spring came Victory Day and with every fall came some very unwelcomed terrorist attack: Subway bombings, bus bombings, apartment building bombings, a theater siege, a school siege. Events …

What the Bible Says

NT 7:2 Growing Up, Part 1

Week 7: The New Testament and Children Cont’d Day 2: Growing Up, Part I – Galatians 4:19; Ephesians 4:13,14; 1 Corinthians 14:20; 13:11; 3:1-3; Hebrews 5:12-14; 1 Peter 2:2; Matthew 18:3 When I was ten or eleven years old, my family met a family whose child would never grow up. I don’t mean that she …

What the Bible Says

NT 2:2 Asking God

Week 2: Lessons From the Pharisees Day 2 – Asking God: Matthew 7:7-12 Life has taught me that perspective affects everything. One day, several years ago, I was sitting in my bed in Russia having a pity party. I had been sick for a couple of days and was tired of being in bed. My …

What the Bible Says

NT 1:5 Our Treasure Box

Week 1: Getting Started Day 5 – Our Treasure Box:  Matthew 6:1-4; Matthew 6:19-34; Luke 12:22-48 We have some strange neighbors. I mean, really strange. They’ve never taken the time to build a house. They never go grocery shopping. They don’t give any thought to what they are going to wear each day. They just …

What the Bible Says

NT 1:4 Lights On A Hill

Week 1: Getting Started Day 4 – Lights on a Hill: Matthew 5:13-16 It’s a hundred miles from the Montana/Wyoming line to my hometown. I’ve made the drive more times than I can count, usually with various family members and usually with eight or ten hours of driving behind us. When I was a little …